Monday, October 14, 2013

Refreshing air, Refreshed Mind

While out running errands today I was astounded by the pallet of colors painted all around our city. After a long annoying day in and out of the car I was eager to get everything settled after the fact, and get out on my feet for a nice fall stroll.

  Living just blocks from Hyde Park I set out with a cup of hot tea and my camera. Dressed from head to toe in cozy outerwear, I just love this season for allowing me to dress in layers and assorted colors.

I didn't leave the house with any particular destination in mind, I just wanted to take in the crisp air and elaborate scenery. As I approached the the Hyde Park district I realized I wasn't the only one enticed by the wonderful season.
I saw several people out walking, some with there dogs, some with their children all bundled up in their strollers or along side their parents hand in hand, and some couples making memories side by side in this quaint little heart of their neighborhood in the north end.

13th Street Pub and Grill was packed with families sitting in the warm and cozy enclosed patio choppin it up enjoying their loved ones. I was almost surprised that more of them weren't outside considering the patio was lined with heating sources after all it wasn't that cold out.
Oh and I mustn't forget ...displayed on the sidewalk I noticed  a clue to passerby's stating that they have began to incorporate more seasonal dishes into their delicious menu.
Anything that includes pumpkin flavor is a dead give away right? I think it might even be safe to say that the hot-buttered rum might have made its debut back.


I was pleased with my walk and all its beauty. Fall is most definitely an unforgettable and inspiring time of year here in the city of trees.

From the leaves painted along the sidewalks, streets and grass to the bold colors yelling at you from above.

I promise you will lose yourself and all your troubles strolling down and around the streets of the Hyde Park District.

So grab your loved ones, bundle up to your liking and get your self some peace and inspiration.


  1. I love the pictures you've taken, they really bring out the autumn colors and make Hyde Park really look beautiful, like a small cozy town. :)

  2. I agree with Karly your pictures are very well taken. They draw you into the picture. You also have a way with angles and framing. Hyde park seems like it's own little town inside a bigger town. The emotion of your posts makes me want to experience everything Hyde Park has to offer. There may be a special visit into town for the infamous buttered rum I keep hearing about!
